Thursday, September 9, 2010

Judicial Branch

1. Source:
Burris To High Court: Let Me Run. September 9, 2010

2. Constitutional Connection:
ArticleIII, Judicial Branch, Section 2, Clause1
"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States."

3. Explanation of Connection:
New York Gov. David Paterson’s attempt to defuse the conflict over the so-called ground zero mosque by offering the group state land might seem like one possible path out of the controversy, but it would almost certainly to trigger serious legal challenges that could make the offer significantly less attractive. A plan by Islamic leaders to build a mosque and cultural center on private land two blocks from where the World Trade Center twin towers were attacked September 11, 2001 has been strongly opposed by those who say it would be an affront to the memories of those who died at ground zero that day.

This article demonstrates Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution. The constitution gave the Supreme court power to handle caes like this. That deals with ownership and interest on a high scale. Even though the president added his comments and disagreed with idea of building the mosque in that significant area,it is within the Judicial branch where the power lies to have the overall ability to say yes or no. Before the Constitution those 13 colonies could have not effectively solved this without having to concern everyone. They could not settle the land, and The Articles of Confederation was not strong enough to to handle it, so the Land Ordinance had to be set forth. This was only a few years after the Articles where established.

Still to this day you can see how the Constitution stands in place. The Judicial branch is very helpful and eventhough The Articles failed it helped the United States become a stronger government. It does take quite a lot for case to be heard in the Supreme court. So if it were someone like me i wouldnt even putthat much effort inot it. It is plenty of land to build a mosque on.

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